Sunday, 13 July 2014

Day in the Life

     Last night was the perfect night!  My husband was away on an all boys weekend,and my son decided, since I allowed him to sleep in "the big bed" that he would go to bed early and watch a movie.  By 9 pm the house was spotless, laundry done, bathroom cleaned, toys picked up, and dead quiet..............I felt like I was in heaven.

     I settled down on the sofa, crochet in hand, and cartoons still playing on the t.v, when it occurred to me.........I HAD THE REMOTE!!!!!   I could watch whatever I wanted!!!!!!  No little man screaming for one more episode of Sponge Bob, no husband making me watch some show about building structures, the t.v was MINE.  I instantly switched to the movie channel, found a list of heart gripping dramas and settled down to spend my evening  (I even had the popcorn bag to about heaven!!))

     After the second drama I locked up the house, took one last look of pride and the shinning floors and headed to bed..................................i should have realized it was the calm before the storm!

     I woke at 7:30 am to little feet sporadically slamming into the bed and occasionally hitting into my chest followed by a fit of giggles "smell my feet mom" my son called.  I chose to ignore his request and keep my eyes close, hoping he would take the hint and doze back into sleep himself..............about 5 mins later my eyes shot open as a little finger rammed its way up my left nostril.  Really what rational human being wakes someone but sticking a finger up their nose.  After explaining how this isn't proper behavior to do to ones mother......or ANYONE for that fact, we headed off to make breakfast.

      8:30 am I have heard the word "MoooooMMMMMMMMMMMM"  about 80 times.  Anyone who has kids knows this sound.  It's high pitched, long, whinny sound.  Its a sound that if heard to often makes you contemplate changing your name and moving to China.  I still haven't gotten my first cup of coffee into me and I'm on my second round of breakfast making , the dog decided to steal the first which led to much screaming from the little man that left  my head and ears ringing.

      9:30 we are enjoying the outside, sitting on the patio playing Lego as I drink a cup of coffee.  The sun is shinning, the birds are singing, my day seems to be acquiring more of the peace it had last night.  I reach for my coffee to take a sip and hear screaming.  My elbow has knocked over Lord Business  (to know who this is see the Lego movie 20 times as I have........every thing is NOT assume Emmett)  sending him into a pile of scattered pieces with a few slipping between the small cracks in the deck.  10 min later I'm piling the pieces together and crawling my butt under the deck (anyone ever do a belly crawl over crushed gravel in their p.j's?  Take my word for it ......not fun) to grab the 2 tiny pieces that have fallen below.  While under there I see a HUGE beetle (not the cute singing kind but great big. crunchy wings and beady eye kind) and scream like I'm being attacked.  I do a mad scramble out from the deck, smacking my head on one of the beams and the belly crawl backwards has lifted my shirt and resulted in a million tiny scratches along my stomach. I scramble to get  Lord Business  in one piece and because my Son's  God brother has decided to come out hes sitting unplayed with on the patio table.................I hate Lego this morning.

     10am i'm considering going into the house to complete the list of "extras" I wanted to get done.  My husband picks this time to call me............the conversation went something like this.

Me:  "hows the trip?"
Him: "i got a sunburn"
Me: "how do you get a sunburn with SPF 60?"
Him: "I didn't take it"

Note to self:  husband will be complaining about sunburn tonight because hes too stubborn to put on sunblock, needless to say hes electing no sympathy from me

     Now by this time my son has played in the sun and hes beginning to feel a little worn.  Perfect time for an indoor quiet activity and for me to get my second cup of coffee.........NOT!!
My Dad and Brother show up!  Now these are two of the most important men in my life, they are loving, kind, protective.........and for some reason they turn into complete idiots around my son.  After a rousing game of who can tease whom more.........D is more hyper then ever and Dad and my brother have chosen now to leave.  I'm secretly cursing them under my breath.

     12pm.........LUNCH!  I'm drinking my second cup of coffee half listening to my son explain to me why gummies and Oreos is a suitable lunch option.  When I again inform him of the healthy options available to him,  he informs me that i'm the meanest mother on the whole entire planet.  Man this second cup of coffee is good.

     1pm......Finally I have D in his bed room and we're going through his toys.  I informed him that if we got rid of some old toys that he doesn't play with at the yard sale next weekend then he can keep the money, save half , and use the other half to buy some legos.  Hes pumped and starts off this adventure by acting maturely and sorting the toys into piles of keepers and God this just might work!

     2pm.....EVERYTHING IS STAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Nothing can be parted with except the cars with eyes, cause they freak him out.  Really child?????  You have these alien things from star wars spread across your room but its the Disney Car toys that freak you out????  I so don't understand little boys I guess.

     3pm....All I've managed to do is get Darrell to help spread toys from one end of his room to the other.......but hes playing.......hes happy........that's something right?  I give up on my goals and sit down to play........I get the stupid cars with the eyes!

     3:30...Husband is home and guess what, hes complaining about the sunburn!  Its a doozey too!  After applying Aloe-Vera he heads outside with our son to wash the car......did i mention the husband is  not wearing a shirt or sunblock? I'll leave my thoughts on this to includes some words not appropriate for public reading!

    4pm........Its quiet in the house, im picking up the chaos created by my husband arriving home when i'm suddenly surprised by the panic alarm going off on the truck.  I jump and bang the same darn spot I hit this morning under the patio on the cupboard door that was left open.  Thank God D isn't in the house cause I said some words i don't want him repeating.

     5pm.....the familiar call of supper time begins

 "moooooooooommmmmmmmmm, I'm starving"
"5 mins Darrell honey"
"but mmoooooooommmmmmmmm i'm really hungery"
"5 mins my love"
"I'm gonna starve to death give it to me now mom"
"but Darrell its hot"
"but mmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm"
"ok Darrell but its hot"

give him his super, he takes one bite and spits it out  "This is too hot mom".  Why doesn't anyone in this house listen to me?

     6pm......... Does it make me a bad mother if i'm secretively counting down the mins to bed time?

     7pm......Bath, i get completely soaked, why doesn't splashing in the water ever stop being fun for the kid in the tub?  I politely ask him to stop to which he responds that I needed it.  "need it?" I ask.  He points out that i'm still in my p.j's and there for haven't showered this morning........shit hes the hell did that happen?

     7:30pm......cuddled in bed reading from Captain Underpants.   He leans in and places his head against my chest and I can smell the shampoo smell in his beautiful blonde hair. He  says sleepily "I love you momma" I can't quiet remember what had me so frustrated today.

     8:15pm.....little man is sleeping and i'm completely exhausted "I'm heading to bed" I tell my husband sitting on the sofa with remote in hand.  "what are you so tired out from?" he asks teasingly "you got to spend the whole day at home"  I'd strangle him if I had the energy..........but I don't.........thank God for small blessings

I have been called a lot of things in my life. Daughter, sister, friend, lover, girlfriend, wife, but the greatest of any title I've ever had is, even on days like this.

1 comment:

  1. Mother is are Queen of the World, and She-ra.

    PS I enjoy your blog
