Friday, 4 July 2014

I'm not laughing

     You ever have someone make a joke and have it hit a little to close to home?  Or make a comment on a day you are feeling vulnerable?  In our society we find it "amusing" to make sarcastic replies back and forth to each other, insult each other, brow beat each other for the sake of amusement. 

 If we are brave enough to voice how we feel or the fact that we find the comment un-amusing, we are often thought of as having no sense of humor, too sensitive, or just being bitchy.

Humor is defined as the quality of being amusing or comic.  In other words if the person you are insulting isn't laughing....your not being funny!  The definition of a joke is defined as something someone said to cause amusement or laughter.

Lets look up some more definitions shall we?.................

Rude: Offensively impolite, ill-mannered, roughly made or done, lacking subtlety or sophistication.

Insult: to speak or treat another with disrespect or scorn, abuse, a disrespectful or verbally abusive remark or action. 

Sarcasm: The use of irony to mock or convey contempt 

Irony: The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

  1. Verbal abuse is the most common way to attempt to control the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of another human being.

Whats that you say?  More definitions, why certainly..........................

Sensitive: having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others feelings

Bitchy: malicious or unpleasant

Self esteem: Confidence in ones own worth or abilities

Ok folks so lets sum this up, by their proper definitions there really isn't such thing as a playful 

insult, The use of Sarcasm and rudeness really speak volumes for your own bitchiness then it 

does for my own.  Maybe instead of wasting your time looking at how to insult the person 

beside you for your own malice amusement you should purchase a dictonary and begin looking 

 up the meanings of some of the words your using before saying them.  Maybe.....just maybe 

the listener isn't sensitive.....maybe they are insulted because there self esteem is too high to 

listen to the remarks coming from your mouth.......or maybe you are just verbally abusive and 

take pleasure in hurting the self esteem of others.

One more definition for the road shall we?

Ignorant:  lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular, 

discourteous or rude.

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