Basically, the condition causes widespread pain!!! And in turn fatigue, sleep deprivation, and depression—and typically begins following some type of severe physical trauma, such as an accident, surgery, or massive psychological stress. (I was diagnosed with Rhemotoid Arthritis at 9 years old and diagnosed with Fibro a year later).
Simply said I can't remember what its like NOT to be in pain, its been such a regular part of my life since childhood. I manage, not living my life to the fullest just isn't an option for me, pain or not, but because of this people sometimes have a tendency to forget that I am sick. When I do give into my pain I hear "don't be a wimp" or when I have trouble getting up in the morning "you need to go to bed earlier, get more sleep" or when I have trouble concentrating "there goes Mary-Anne with her head in the clouds".
I hope that sharing these symptoms, but allowing others to see what life feels like for me on a daily basis that maybe I can shed some understanding and compassion for others struggling with a life of pain.
1. PAIN : The primary symptom of fibromyalgia is continuous stabbing pain throughout the entire body
(my pressure points are primarily located in my back, where my arthritis has also decided to make an appearance this year)
2. Sensitive to Touch : The pain of fibromyalgia can be so extreme that even the slightest touch is excruciating—for instance, a bruise or stubbed toe can be excruciating and last a lot longer in a fibromyalgia patient
3. Enviromental Sensitivity : Those who suffer from fibromyalgia are typically sensitive to things in the environment as well—for instance, exposure to cigarette smoke, loud noises, chemical cleaners, or bright lights may make fibromyalgia symptoms worse.
4. Muscle and Joint stiffness : Fibromyalgia patients constantly suffer from stiffness in the muscles and joints—particularly when they rise first thing in the morning and if they sit for extended periods of time.
5. Muscle Spasms : Fibromyalgia often goes hand in hand with painful muscle spasms, particularly during sleep, which can make for a restless night as muscles painfully contract without notice.
6. Fatigue: It’s common for those with fibromyalgia to suffer from insomnia or lack of sleep due to the constant pain of the condition. This will leave you in a state of mild fatigue that causes the immune system and energy levels to plummet.
7.Trouble Concentrating : Fibromyalgia often causes cognitive difficulties—for instance, issues with short term memory, difficulty retaining information, trouble concentrating and focusing on tasks, and even a dizziness that’s often referred to as “fibro-fog”.
8. Constant headaches : The pain and muscles stiffness caused by fibromyalgia often extends to the back, shoulders, and neck, leaving patients
9. Bowl troubles : (think this one explains its self)
10. Depression : It’s common for fibromyalgia patients
Great Fibro Sites:
Routine lab tests do not detect the widespread pain of fibromyalgia. Instead, the diagnosis is made by a physical exam of pressure points that takes about five minutes. When light pressure is applied to the surface of the muscles throughout the body, patients with fibromyalgia find this painful, especially at the specific tender point areas used for diagnosis. (AKA it hurts like hell and leaves you in a flair up for days)
When last counted I had the 11 trigger points but over 100 tenderpoints.......simply said, I am in pain every where.
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