Words have long since inspired man kind. They have provided us comfort, expressed our emotions, lifted a wary soul, inspired faith not to mention spark the imagination, to only name a few. A simple compliment, a few spoken words can leave a lasting impression and throughout history words have inspired men to fight for theirs and their countries honor.
“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”
― Rudyard Kipling
Amazing how something we use nearly every min of every day can do so much isn't it? You would think with such power we would be more selective with the words we speak or write. If words can inspire so much would it not be our responsibility as human beings to choose the words that will help lift and inspire those around us? One doesn't have to be Kipling or Dickens to inspire, tho I must say I always thought my words meaningless, after all I'm just me, not a great poet or author. That changed recently. I was laying in bed reading a story to my son, who is in kindergarten, and he surprised me by reading the next line in the story. I was thrilled and turned to him my heart bursting with pride "I'm so proud of you" I told him. Now I've said these words to him many many times before, but something about this moment made me watch his face as my words registered. He became proud of himself just by me using those five simple words. His little face lite up and a big smile crossed his face. He read the next line for me and the line after that. How wonderful that I could say something, that was so easy to say, and have such a profound effect.
Words are keys to the heart
Chinese Proverb
I spent that night flipping through memories, that had greatly effected me for the positive. I thought of the day my mother told me how proud she was that I was her daughter, I thought of my grandmother telling me not to be afraid that God was walking with us, and I remembered my grandfather kissing my shoulder and telling me he was proud of me, these tid bits of words spoken that burned their way into me and left their lasting impression. I pondered some of the darker moments of my childhood, and found words that left there impression there as well. Angry words that seeped into the hidden places of myself and I began to believe. Its funny, the good words lift us and can inspire us, but we allow the darker words a deeper place inside ourselves. We let them fester till them become a cancer and we believe them. I began to wonder why this was, why the hurtful words were so much easier to believe. Maybe its because we secretly already believe these things about ourselves before they are said, maybe its because in this day and age the darker words come easier from our mouths then the ones that inspire. We are all guilty at some point of saying something to someone that we wish we could take back, and we are all guilty of leaving words unsaid that should have been spoken.
Because even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you, or save you.”
― Natsuki Takaya
As you can tell I came up with no answers as to the whys, but I did gain a bit of knowledge for who I want to be and what I intend to strive for in the future. I will never be Browning or Dickens (two of my favorites), chances are my words will not be read and celebrated for generations to come. I will never give an amazing speech to inspire the masses, or speak words of such courage that men will march to war, but I CAN begin to make the world around me a little better. I can compliment that stranger with the great shoes that I pass and leave them feeling good all day. I can remind those around me that I love them each time we speak even if their own words don't always let them say it back. I can remind my son of all the wonderful things he does, so some day when he reflects on his past there are more good words and then bad ones to look back on. My words may never inspire the masses but they can still inspire.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29
Awesome! I find myself looking forward to your blog. Keep the good words coming!