Sunday, 29 June 2014

Country in the City

I live in a world of landscaped yards.  To anyone who knows me you'll find the thought laughable.  I've never been known as one to color within the lines, heck I was never the girl coloring the picture I was too busy drawing it out for myself!  Yet here I am, surrounded by Martha Stewart landscapes wondering If I should attempt to fit in with the Jones's or should I dare to color my yard in the millions of different colors that swim around in my head.

To me there are two ways to truly know summer is here, the beach and gardening season.  There is something......godlike, about taking a little seed and nurturing it till it grows. The smell of the rose, its color becomes somehow sweeter when its grown at the determined hand of a loving gardener.

The usual fills my patio all in bloom, wave petunias, geraniums in their stunning red....but my yard needed something.......more to it this year then what was being seen in every other yard on this block.  Now take my stubborn nature, add this recent health food kick and one country girl living in the city and what do you come up with??????

Take a look and see:

 Above: Getting the box garden set up

 Window boxes full of fresh herbs (sage, basil)

 growing in the little garden:  Tomatoes (my favorite), pumpkin plant (Darrell insisted), peas, cucumber, peppers, carrots, lettuce, celery, watermelon, honeydew melon

 Darrell picked out all the flowers for the planters this year, guess he was feeling overly Canadian since I ended up with half a dozen planters of red and white flowers.

 First blooms on my roses (been growing numerous roses throughout my yard for years, this one plant was bought the year before moving into the house)

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