Tuesday 10 June 2014

RCMP are Laid to Rest.

Four Black Horses 

Four black horses without riders 

Galloped the Alberta plain; 

Four black horses, sent from Depot 

To bring the boys home again. 

Four black horses with empty saddles 

Race the cold prairie sun; 

Four black horses arrive at the farmyard 

As the last bullet leaves the gun. 

Four black horses stand with heads bowed 

Wait til the echoes subside; 

Four black horses turn as they're mounted, 

Now their heads held high with pride. 

Four mounted policemen take hold of the reins 

Spur their mounts holding lances high; 

Four black horses, red serge in the saddles, 

Disappear in the Alberta sky. 

by Jim McGregor

My love and thanks to the whole force for their valiant work, and to the families that support them so they can do this job every day.  We tend to forget that tho these men and woman are true heroes they are also mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons.  They feel fear, they feel sorrow, what makes them heroes is their ability to continue on for the greater good.  My prayers are with you now and always.

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